Sunday, August 24, 2008

MPS Customer Service Charter

The Role of Maldives Police Service
The Maldives Police Service is the primary law enforcement agency for the Maldives armed to fulfil this role throughout the Country, 24 hours a day.

The Functions of Maldives Police Service
§ To uphold and implement the law in order to maintain continued public order and national security;
§ To respect and uphold the fundamental rights of citizens;
§ To prevent all criminal acts and to take action against all such acts;
§ To identify, ascertain and investigate criminal acts and to seize and arrest the perpetrators of all such acts;
§ To assist the general public and to act in concert with the general public in provide policing services;
§ To protect and uphold the constitution of the Republic of Maldives;
§ To establish and maintain the internal security of the Republic of Maldives and the security of the community within the Republic of Maldives;
§ To protect lawfully elected government and Maldivian state from any internal conflict or act that may undermine the lawfully elected government and state;
§ To protect and maintain public order and peace;
§ To enforce and maintain the laws and regulations of the Republic of Maldives;
§ To ascertain, identify and investigate acts done in contravention of the laws and regulations of the Republic of Maldives and to seize and arrest person who commit crimes;
§ To police and oversee gatherings and rallies held at roads and other public places;
§ To maintain order at public places and pubic gatherings and rallies;
§ To oversee and control road traffic and to remove any object that obstruct the passage of traffic on the street;
§ To implement and enforce the laws and regulations with regard to road traffic;
§ To assist person to protect their lives, dwelling places and property;
§ To be active in assisting in the protection of life, property and dwelling places and those made homeless when natural disasters and other dangers strike the community;
§ To carry out and implement, court orders and administrative orders;
§ To be responsible for ownerless property or property found and to ascertain the ownership of and return such property to the owners;
§ To collect, investigate and research information necessary to carry out the role and functions of police and to take the necessary action with regard to the acquired information.

The objective of the Customer Service Charter is to change the relationship between the public and the police from one of suspicion and indifference to one of trust and confidence in its service delivery. Our utmost priority is to improve the way we work with the community and maintain a cordial relationship.

Maldives Police Service is committed to providing quality policing services to our community. We are continuously striving to improve our services through trained staff, adopting new mechanisms and technological advancements and consultation.

The Charter recognizes the public as an essential tool in ensuring an effective police service. It empowers the people to challenge the activities of the Police through the grievance redress mechanism, of our Internal Affairs Department.

The Customer Service Charter outlines our commitment in customers in accordance with our strategic plan and provides a formalized process for making complaints. It outlines client rights and responsibilities, how you, the citizens and the clients can help, the standards the customers can expect when communicating with the Maldives Police Service and what a client could do if dissatisfied with our service or actions.

How the Charter was developed
This charter was developed through extensive consultation and in partnership with the community of Republic of Maldives. This involved conducting statistical surveys and field interviews.

Who are Our Clients?

Our Clients include:
§ The general public (including residents and visitors)
§ Victims of crime and other offences
§ Anyone requesting police assistance; and
§ Suspects and people charged with committing offences.

Other stakeholders include;
§ The Maldivian Government
§ Government offices and departments
§ Business and Community Groups
§ International volunteers and NGOs
§ Foreign embassies and High Commissions in the Maldives.

Our Service Standards
At all times we aim to:
§ To answer all telephone calls immediately
§ The complex calls would be answered later after gathering the relevant information
§ Treat customers courteously, with respect and in a polite and assisting attitude
§ Reply to letters and emails within 3 working days
§ Respond and listen customers feedbacks and complaints and consider their views
§ Provide customers with necessary and relevant information as needed
§ Respect customers privacy by treating personal information confidentially
§ Dhivehi is the language used when presenting, talking and writing. However, English will be used whilst dealing with foreign nationals
§ Conduct meetings with the executives when requested for the appointments
§ Provide application forms and necessary information regarding crimes, criminals and statistics in our website (

How to Contact us
Police Headquarters
Shaheedh Hussein Adam Building
Jumhooree Hingun 20125 / Male’
Republic of Maldives
Telephone: (+960) 3322112 (24 hours)
Fax: (+960) 3313281
Duty officer: (+960) 9888999

Provide information:
Report an offence:
Requesting information:
Feedback to enhance our services:

for Emergency please dial 119 (24 hours).
Online Services:

If you wish to report from an island about an incident, crime or suspicious behaviour please contact the regional police station and if you wish to report from Male’ please visit to Public Relation Unit at Police headquarters (Shaheed Hussein Adam Building).
If you have any information that may help to solve a crime please do not hesitate to contact us as soon as possible using our free emergency line 119 or send an email to or you may need Short Massage Service (SMS) to 119 as well. If you wish to report a narcotic drug offence, please call 100.

Our Expectations from the Customers
To make our functions with ease in providing our service we ask customers to;
§ Honour constitutional and social obligations
§ Treat our officers with respect
§ Respect the privacy, safety and needs of other members of the community
§ Provide accurate and full details and assist us in appropriate ways
§ Request to make an appointment for a complex enquiry or a need to see a specific officer
§ Phone the officer nominated on correspondence sent to the customer and quoting the file number on the letter

Expectations from the Staff
§ Abide all rules and regulations
§ To serve honestly and giving their best efforts to meet out the public expectations
§ Be fair and accessible to every client effectively and in a transparent manner
§ Adhere to Police Code of Conduct.

Expectations of the Management
§ To examine and ensure that services are delivered effectively
§ Formulate and maintain policies that are aimed at enhancing efficiency and discipline in the Maldives Police Service
§ Ensure that staff are utilized and distributed effectively in appropriate ways
§ To monitor the performance of the Maldives Police Service.

Requesting police assistance
If you contact us assistance, we will
§ Accept your request
§ Provide an appropriate and prompt response and;
§ If it is not a matter we are able to deal with, we will refer you to the appropriate agency.
In return we would expect you to;
§ Provide with all available information relevant to that matter;
§ Be honest and reasonable when dealing with us.

If you are suspected of breaking the Law
If we suspect you have committed an offence we will advise you of your rights and obligations under the law, and should your arrest be deemed necessary, we will arrest you.

Crime prevention and reduction
§ We need assistance from the public to fight against the crimes. We work with many partners and local communities to keep your area safe.
§ We all have a responsibility to take sensible precautions to protect ourselves, our families and our personal property.
§ Always know where your children are and who they are with.
§ Be a good neighbour.
§ Try to help people when they need it - be a good citizen.
§ Tell us if you witness a crime or see anything you think is suspicious, try to make a note of important details such as car registration numbers of an suspicious activity.
§ Use good lighting in your home to deter burglars
§ Use Standard doors and locks on your house, garage, office, shop and other your own properties
§ Make a note of any serial number of any gadgets or equipments that belong to you including mobile telephones
§ Do not leave bank or credit card statements or receipts in your household waste.

You can ask any police officer for crime prevention advice - remember we are here to help you.

CCTV footage can help the police make communities safer. We will only release footage from our CCTV systems to the media when:
§ Appealing for witnesses or trying to identify suspects
§ Highlighting criminal activity
§ Illustrating police action against criminal behaviour

With your assistance and feedback, we seek to continuously improve our service to the community by responding to the changing needs of our clients, while providing policing services and safeguarding our nation.
If you have a suspicious activity recorded on a CCTV system share it with us and do not disclose that to anyone else without notifying to us.
Tell us what you think
It is important that you are satisfied with our service. Your criticism and comments help us to improve. For more complex issues, a resolution or explanation will be provided as soon as possible.
When you have a complaint, contact the staff member you have been dealing with in the first instance.
If you believe the complaint cannot be resolved by that person, contact the senior officer responsible for the service (the organisational chart maybe downloaded from our website).
If you feel that the issue has not been resolved by either of these actions, contact our Internal Affairs Department.

Thursday, June 5, 2008

Mandates of Departments of MPS

Commissioner's Office
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްގެ ސްޓްރެޓީޖިކް ލަނޑުދަނޑިތައް ކަނޑައެޅުމާއި، އެކި ޑިޕާރޓްމަންޓްތަކުގެ އެންމެހާ މަސައްކަތްތައް ވިލަރެސްކުރުމާއި، މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްގެ މަޤުޞަދާއި ތަޞައްވުރު ހާޞިލްކުރުމަށް ކުރަންޖެހޭ މަސައްކަތްތައް ކުރުވުމާއި، މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސް އިން ހާޞިލްކުރުމަށް ކަނޑައަޅާފައިވާ ލަނޑުދަނޑިތައް ހާޞިލްކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ޒަމާނީ ތަރައްޤީއާއި ފައިހަމަވާ ގޮތެއްގައި މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސް ބައްޓަންކުރުމަށް ކުރަން ޖެހޭ ކަންތައްތައް ކުރުވުން
Infortmation and Technology Department
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްއާއި ޙަވާލުކުރައްވާފައިވާ މަސްއޫލިއްޔަތު އަދާކުރުމަށް މުވާޞަލާތާއި އިންފޮރމޭޝަން ޓެކްނޮލޮޖީގެ ދާއިރާއިން ބޭނުންވާ ކަންތައްތައް ދެނެގަނެ، އެޚިދުމަތް ޤާއިމްކޮށް، ތަރައްޤީކޮށް، ދެމެހެއްޓެނިވި ގޮތަށް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމާއި ކްރައިމް ރިކޯޑްސް ބެލެހެއްޓުމުގެ ގޮތުން ކުރަންޖެހޭ މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
Capital Police
މާލެ، ހުޅުމާލެ، ތިލަފުށި އަދި ހުޅުލެ އަކީ ސަލާމަތްތެރި، ރައްކައުތެރި ސަރަހައްދަކަށް ހެދުމަށްޓަކައި މުޖުތަމަޢާ ގުޅިގެން މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
Northern Region
ތިލަދުންމަތީ އުތުރުބުރި، ތިލަދުންމަތީ ދެކުނުބުރި އަދި މިލަދުންމަޑުލު އުތުރުބުރި އަކީ ސަލާމަތްތެރި، ރައްކައުތެރި ސަރަހައްދަކަށް ހެދުމަށްޓަކައި މުޖުތަމަޢާ ގުޅިގެން މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
North Central Region
މިލަދުންމަޑުލު ދެކުނުބުރި، މާޅޮސްމަޑުލު އުތުރުބުރި، މާޅޮސްމަޑުލު ދެކުނުބުރި އަދި ފާދިއްޕޮޅަކީ ސަލާމަތްތެރި، ރައްކައުތެރި ސަރަހައްދަކަށް ހެދުމަށްޓަކައި މުޖުތަމަޢާ ގުޅިގެން މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
Central Region
މާލެއަތޮޅު، އަރިއަތޮޅު އުތުރުބުރި، އަރިއަތޮޅު ދެކުނުބުރި އަދި ފެލިދެއަތޮޅަކީ ސަލާމަތްތެރި، ރައްކައުތެރި ސަރަހައްދަކަށް ހެދުމަށްޓަކައި މުޖުތަމަޢާ ގުޅިގެން މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
South Central Region
މުލަކަތޮޅު، ނިލަންދެއަތޮޅު އުތުރުބުރި، ނިލަންދެއަތޮޅު ދެކުނުބުރި، ކޮޅުމަޑުލު އަދި ހައްދުންމަތި ހިމެނޭ އަތޮޅުތަކަކީ ސަލާމަތްތެރި، ރައްކައުތެރި ސަރަހައްދަކަށް ހެދުމަށްޓަކައި މުޖުތަމަޢާ ގުޅިގެން މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
Southern Region
ހުވަދުއަތޮޅު އުތުރުބުރި، ހުވަދުއަތޮޅު ދެކުނުބުރި، ފުވައްމުލައް އަދި އައްޑުއަތޮޅަކީ ސަލާމަތްތެރި، ރައްކައުތެރި ސަރަހައްދަކަށް ހެދުމަށްޓަކައި މުޖުތަމަޢާ ގުޅިގެން މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
Marine Police
ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގެ އެތެރެކަނޑާއި ކަނޑުފަޅުގެ ސަލާމަތްތެރިކަމާއި ރައްކައުތެރިކަން ދެމެހެއްޓުމަށްޓަކައި ކުރަންޖެހޭ އެންމެހާ މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
Criminal Investigation Department
ދިވެހިރާއްޖޭގައި ހިނގާ ޖިނާޢީ ކުށުގެ މައްސަލަތައް ދިރާސާކޮށް ދެނެގަނެ، ތަޙުޤީޤްކޮށް، ޝަރީޢަތަށް ހުށަހަޅަންޖެހޭ މައްސަލަތައް ބަންޑާރަ ނައިބުގެ އޮފީހަށް ފޮނުވުމާއި. އެހެނިހެން ފިޔަވަޅު އަޅަންޖެހޭ މައްސަލަތައް ކަމާބެހޭ ދާއިރާތަކަށް ފޮނުވުން
Finance Department
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްގެ މަސްޢޫލިއްޔަތު އަދާކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ކުރަންޖެހޭ ޚަރަދުތަކަށް ބޭނުންވާ ފައިސާ ހޯދުމުގައި ކުރަންޖެހޭ އެންމެހާ މަސައްކަތްކުރުމާއި، އެގޮތުން ހޯދާ ފައިސާ ބިނާކުރަނިވި ގޮތަށް ޚަރަދުކުރެވޭނެ ގޮތްތައް ރާވާ، ޚަރަދުކުރެވޭނެ އިންތިޒާމް ހަމަޖެއްސުން
Forensic Department
މައްސަލަތައް ތަޙުޤީޤްކުރުމުގެ މަރުހަލާގައި، މައްސަލަތައް ސާބިތުކުރުމަށްޓަކައި ކުށުގެ ވެށިން ހެކި ހޯދުމާއި އެހެކި ޝަރުއީ ކޯޓުގައި ޤަބޫލުކުރެވޭނެ ފެންވަރަށް ތަހުލީލްކުރުން
Human Resource Department
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްގެ މަޤާމްތަކަށް މުވައްޒަފުން ކަނޑައެޅުމާއި، މުވައްޒަފުންގެ ހުނަރާއި ޤާބިލްކަން އިތުރުކުރުމަށް ބޭނުންވާނެ ތަމްރީންތައް ދެނެގަނެ އެފުރުޞަތު ހޯދާދިނުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
Internal Affairs Department
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްގެ މުވައްޒަފުންގެ މައްޗަށް ރައްޔިތުންކުރާ އިތުބާރާއި ޔަޤީންކަން ދެމެހެއްޓުމަށްޓަކައި އެމުވައްޒަފުންގެ މައްޗަށް އުފުލޭ ޝަކުވާގެ މައްސަލަތައް ހާމަކަމާއިއެކު ތަޙުޤީޤްކޮށް އެކުށެއްގެ ބާވަތުން އަޅަން ޖެހޭ ފިޔަވަޅު އެޅުން
Logistic Support Department
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްއަށް ބޭނުންވާ ލޮޖިސްޓިކްސްގެ އެހީތެރިކަން ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުން
Police Academy
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްގެ މުވައްޒަފުންނަށް ބޭނުންވާ ތަމްރީންތައް ރާވާ ހިންގުން
Police Custiodial Department
ކުށުގެ ތުހުމަތުގައި، ތަޙުޤީޤަށް ހައްޔަރުކޮށްފައިވާ މީހުން، ސަލާމަތްތެރިކަމާއި ހަމަހަމަކަމާއިއެކު ބެލެހެއްޓުން
Public Affairs Department
މުޖުތަމަޢާއި ގުޅިގެން ކުށްމަދުކުރުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރުމާއި ދިވެހި ފުލުހުންގެ ޚިދުމަތުގެ ތަސައްވުރު ރަގަޅުކުރުމަށް ކުރަންޖެހޭ މަސައްކަތްތައް ކުރުން
Special Operations Command
ކުއްލި ހާލަތްތަކުގައި މަސައްކަތްކުރާނެ ޚާއްސަ ހުނަރާއި ޒަމާނީ ވަސީލަތުގެ ޤާބިލްކަން ލިބިފައިވާ ފުލުހުންގެ ޓެކްޓިކަލް ބަޔަކު ޤާއިމްކޮށް، ބޭނުންވެއްޖެ ކޮންމެ ހިނދެއްގައި ޚިދުމަތްދިނުން
Internal Intelligence Department
ޤައުމީ އަދި ދާޚިލީ ސަލާމަތާއި ރައްކައުތެރިކަމާއި، މުޖުމަތަޢުގެ ހަމަޖެހުމާއި އާންމު މަސްލަހަތު ޙިމާޔަތްކުރުމަށް، އިންޓެލިޖެންސް މައުލޫމާތު ހޯދާ، ދިރާސާކޮށް އެމައުލޫމާތު ދޭންވާ ޑިޕާރޓްމަންޓަށް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުން
Infrastructure Development Department
މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްއަށް ބޭނުންވާ އިމާރާތްތައް ފަރުމާކޮށް ބިނާކުރުވުމާއި، މަރާމާތުކޮށް ބެލެހެއްޓުން
Command Center
ފުލުހުންގެ ޚިދުމަތަށް ބޭނުންވާ ފަރާތްތަކަށް، ޚިދުމަތް އަވަހަށް ފޯރުކޮށްދިނުމަށްޓަކައި ކުރަންޖެހޭ މަސައްކަތްކުރުވުން

Saturday, May 17, 2008

MPS Statement of Values

މޯލްޑިވްސް ޕޮލިސް ސާރވިސްގެ ސްޓޭޓްމަންޓް އޮފް ވެލިއުސް

-:ދިވެހި ފުލުހުން ބިނާވެގެންވަނީ މައިގަނޑު 07 (ހަތެއް) އަސާސްގެ މައްޗަށެވެ. އެއީ
ޚިދުމަތް: ތެދުވެރިކަމާއި އަމާނާތްތެރިކަމާއި ވަފާތެރިކަމާއިއެކު ޚިދުމަތުގައި ސާބިތުވެދެމިތިބުން
އިތުބާރު: ތެދުވެރިކަމާއި އަމާނާތްތެރިކަމާއި ވަފާތެރިކަމާއިއެކު އެންމެ މަތިވެރި ގޮތުގައި ޚިދުމަތުގައި ސާބިތުވެތިބުން
ޝަރަފު: ފުލުހުންގެ ޚިދުމަތަށް ފަޚްރުވެރިވެ، ޚިދުމަތުގެ މަތިވެރި ޝަރަފު ޙާޞިލްކުރުމަށް މަސައްކަތްކުރުން
އިންސާފު: އިންސާފުވެރިކަމާއި ހަމަހަމަަކަމާއިއެކު ވަކިފަރާތަކަށް ނުޖެހި ޚިދުމަތްކުރުން
ޒިންމާދާރު: މަސްއޫލިއްޔަތު ފުރިހަމައަށް އަދާކުރުމާއި ޖަވާބުދާރީވުން
ރިވެތި ނަމޫނާ: ފުލުހުންނަށާއި މުޖުތަމަޢަށް ނަމޫނާ ފުލުހަކަށްވުން